The STAR organization is operated by representatives from our member organizations who vote on all major issues. Issues that do not require a member-wide vote are decided by the STAR Steering Committee, whose members are elected from within the general member organization.
How STAR Works
STAR Release Process
Historically, STAR released a new version of the XML standard on an annual basis, around the time of the STAR General Session. STAR has been accelerating the development of new standards and is working hard to begin releasing them throughout the year in the future. Any new content and modifications to existing standards will continue to be decided on by representatives of STAR's member organizations. Additionally, every one of STAR's standards must be voted on by its members before being released to the general public.

Creating New Standards
The development of new standards is member-driven and can be suggested by any of STAR's member representatives at any time. Recommended projects are then voted on by members for approval. Once the project has been approved, technical resources are able to be set aside and prioritized. The fulfillment process is as follows:
Member downloads and completes an XML Schema/BOD Value Statement form
Member creates a new issue in the issue tracking system on the STAR Member's portal and attaches the completed Value Statement form
STAR Data Architects will then set up a review session among the members to review and vote on the request
Once Approved a workgroup will be set up for all of those STAR Members wishing to participate. Workgroup members will be asked to complete use cases, sequence diagrams and data requirements.
STAR Data Architects will then develop the schemas that correspond to the new BOD

Process For Modification of Existing Standards
The process for modifying an existing standard is as follows:
Member downloads and completes a XML Schema/BOD Modification Request form
Member creates a new issue in the issue tracking system on the STAR Member's portal and attaches the completed Modification Request form
STAR Data Architects will then set up a review session among the members to review the request
Once the workgroup has agreed to the requirements, STAR Data Architects will modify the specification based on the request
All projects and changes will be posted and made available to STAR members on the Portal in the next milestone release
Publication Schedule
STAR publishes new content once per year during the month of May. The new standards take effect on July 4th each year. Prior to publication, representatives of each member organization must vote to approve the public release of the new content.
New content is available to members throughout the year in the following forms:
New content is available to members throughout the year in the following forms:
Milestones: Snapshots of the repository that are published every two weeks.
Draft Releases: Draft versions of the new standards that are published four times per year. Members are permitted to implement draft versions but are cautioned that they may change between the draft and the final release in July.
Release Candidate: A pre-release draft of the standards used to validate the content and allow for necessary fixes and modifications
Final Draft: The final release of the standards to be voted on by the general membership. Members may begin implementing the new standards at the time of the Final Draft release but are cautioned that changes may be made before official vote and publication.
STAR Voting Process
STAR's Working Group finishes the Standard. The Standard is immediately circulated to ALL Members for consideration, commentary, and review for 30 days. STAR's Board of Directors then votes on approving the Standard at its next regular meeting. The date of the next meeting will be included in the review copy of the Standard circulated to the full STAR membership. Also included in the review copy of the Standard will be the due date by which all members will be required to provide any feedback for that specific Standard.