MCLEAN, Va., March 07, 2022– The Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail (STAR), automotive’s leading IT standards organization, announced today the launch of STAR6 for the Parts domain of retail auto dealerships. This launch is based on a year-long collaborative effort to consolidate best practices established by STAR’s members- OEM executives, retail automotive Dealer Principals, representatives from the National Automotive Dealers Association (NADA), and leading technology providers.
“As we look towards developing the next generation of automotive technical standards, we must improve our existing ones,” noted Rafael Maldonado, chairman of STAR Standard. “There’s a vital need to help businesses with this, especially as new requirements emerge in the ever-changing industry landscape. This is exactly what the next generation of the STAR XML is all about. We are excited to provide this new standard to the ecosystem and look forward to hearing from members and other organizations as they collaborate to help dealers deliver the best user experience to their customers.”
STAR6 removes deprecated and duplicate attributes commonly found, while harmonizing design patterns and components for use across various BODs. It is the result of 35 refactored XML BODs and the optimization of STAR common components. Among the refactored automotive XML BODs that will now be using STAR6 are: acknowledge parts, get parts, change parts, cancel parts, notify parts, process parts, propose parts, respond parts, show parts, and sync parts across all actions of related codes for: inventory, invoices, orders, price lists, master lists, and shipments.
“At Volvo CE, we have already begun using STAR6 for new dealer integration services we build. After actively participating in the development of STAR6, we are excited to see its simpler and more consistent BODs cut development time both for us and our DSP partners”, said Anders Puwant, Head of APIs and Integration Framework at Volvo Construction Equipment. “Feedback collected while working with our first full implementation of STAR6, for a parts ordering project in India, has also shown it to provide better support for global implementations. The new version comes with improved localization handling and also uses the latest versions of OAGIS and UN/CEFACT.”
The new STAR6 XML release is now available worldwide to any businesses who want to download it. STAR is continuing similar collaborative work on refactoring efforts across automotive credit, vehicle, and sales codes throughout 2022. For more information on joining STAR or to learn more about accessing STAR6, contact Paco Escobar, Enterprise Data Architect, at: pescobar@starstandard.org.
About STAR
Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail (STAR) is a nonprofit organization whose members include dealers, original equipment manufacturers, retail system providers, and automotive-related industry organizations. STAR uses non-proprietary technology (IT) standards as a catalyst in fulfilling the business information needs of dealers and manufacturers while reducing the time and effort required to support related activities. Collectively, STAR develops industry standards and emerging technologies for the benefit of retail automotive dealers. Incorporated in 2001, STAR defines industry standards for automotive retail, standard architecture that supports global data interoperability, and standardizes the dealership IT infrastructure.